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$298,618 Total 
Pledged in Current 
ECP Campaign 

Pinal tabulation of the results of the 
recent Employees Contribution Plan cam¬ 
paign shows a total of $298,618.45 pledged 
by Sandians to support the Albuquerque 
Community Fund and nine national health 
and welfare agencies. 

Average gift of the 5437 Sandians who 
contributed to ECP is 54.90, an increase of 
$3.90 over last year. 

Some 2826 Sandia employees contributed 
a fair share—one hour’s pay per month— 
or better. A total of 2043 employees in¬ 
creased their deductions for ECP while 
169 new participants signed up. 

All in all. Lou Berry < 5500 > is pleased 
with the results of the drive. 

"Fifty-four dollars as an average gift is 
an impressive figure.” Lou says. “We ap¬ 
preciate this generous contribution. San¬ 
dians can be proud of their record of com¬ 
munity service. My appreciation also goes 
to all the committee members, coordinators, 
speakers and other drive workers. They did 
a tremendous job." 

LAB NEWS Announces 
Sandia Photo Contest 

Amateur photographers, take note. 

The LAB NEWS announces the first 
Sandia photo contest. Open to Sandia 
and AEC employees, the contest offers 
cash prizes for winners, publication in the 
LAB NEWS, and display in the lobby of 
Bldg. 802. 

Entries will be divided into two cate¬ 
gories, and three cash awards <$25, first; 
$15. second; $10. third> will be made in 
both categories. The categories are (1) 
people and abstracts and <2) animals and 

Only black and white photographs will 
be considered in sizes no smaller than five 
by seven inches. The LAB NEWS staff, 
Division 3432. will be judges. Professional 
photographers are not eligible to enter. 

Deadline for submission of the photo¬ 
graphs is Friday. Dec. 12. Winning photos 
will be published in the Jan. 2 issue of 
the LAB NEWS and will become the prop¬ 
erty of the publication. 

At Sandia Laboratories in Albuquerque, 
submit entries to Division 3432, Bldg. 802, 
Rm. 133. At Livermore, submit entries to 
Division 8216, M04. 

After display in Albuquerque, the win¬ 
ning photos will be shown at Livermore. 
Entries should be marked on the back with 
the photographer’s name and organization 
number plus type of camera and film used. 

John Todd Appointed to 
Metropolitan Crime Board 

John Todd <3114) 
was recently ap¬ 
pointed to the City- 
County Metropol - 
itan Crime Commis¬ 
sion. Appointment 
to the group was 
made by the Albu¬ 
querque City Com¬ 
mission. Chairman 
of the nine - man 
Crime Commission 

The Crime Commission was authorized 
in early October in a resolution which 
states, in part, ”... representatives of resi¬ 
dents . . . can be helpful in focusing at¬ 
tention on the needs of the community, in 
recommending action to be taken by all 
agencies of government, . . . and can in¬ 
fluence and formulate public opinion to 
support action necessary to protect the 
public from criminal activities . . ." 

John’s background should enable him to 
take a knowledgeable view of the problem 
of crime in this area. He is an alumnus of 
the FBI and worked with that agency as 
a special agent in the New York area. He 
came to Sandia in July 1959. 

Why get Involved in this activity? John’s 
reply; “Everyone’s against crime, but most 
citizens view it as strictly the policeman’s 
problem. This view is excessively narrow. 
Crime is a severe problem that deserves as 
much attention by citizens as pollution, 
poverty, or any other major problem.” 


VOL. 21, NO. 23, NOVEMBER 7, 1969 

REBA (for Relativistic Electron Beam Accelerator) facility is now 
undergoing operational testing in Area V. The machine produces a 
four-inch diameter beam of electrons traveling at almost the speed 
of light. Energy of 3.25 megavolts at 50,000 amperes can be re¬ 

leased in a pulse of 70 nanoseconds duration. The facility features 
two experiment target areas. A central Marx generator can alternate 
firing through two Blumlein transmission lines. 

New Electron Beam Accelerator 

REBA Gives Flashy Performance 

A new test facility that incorporates a 
new machine called REBA < for Relativistic 
Electron Beam Accelerator) is now under¬ 
going operational testing in Area V. REBA 
produces a beam of electrons about four 
inches in diameter traveling at almost the 
speed of light. Energy output of the ma¬ 
chine — 3.25 megavolts at 50,000 amperes 
— is released in a pulse of about 70 nano¬ 
seconds duration. 

REBA complements existing facilities in 
Sandia’s radiation effects program and 

provides an additional tool for materials 
properties studies and for research in elec¬ 
tron beam propagation. REBA replaces the 
old Hermes I flash x-ray machine which 
was first built to prove the principles now 
incorporated into the giant Hermes II fa¬ 
cility. After initial design testing of 
Hermes I, the machine saw considerable 
use in laboratory experiments. 

The REBA facility provides a “two-head¬ 
ed” access which will speed up the rate 
at which experiments can be conducted. 

Through use of two Blumlein transmission 
tubes charged from the same Marx gen¬ 
erator, the two separate target areas were 
made possible. Scientists may conduct an 
experiment on one side while the other 
side is being set up for the next experi¬ 
ment. Heavy concrete shielding separates 
the two areas. 

The Marx generator for REBA is the 
same one used in the old Hermes I ma¬ 
chine. It consists of 38 100-kilovolt capaci¬ 
tors. This capacitor bank, which can store 
95 kilojoules of energy, is contained in a 
tank of 23.000 gallons of mineral oil <for 
electrical insulation). Overall length of 
REBA is 28 feet, width is 24 feet. 

REBA operates in three stages: 

First, the capacitors are electrically 
charged in parallel. 

Second, the capacitors are discharged in 
series via spark gaps into the Blumlein 
transmission line. 

Third, when a switch is closed, energy in 
the Blumlein transmission line is dis¬ 
charged into the output tube to produce 
the high-current electron beam. 

Design of REBA permits its additional 
use as a flash x-ray machine. With the 
addition of a tantalum target, where the 
interaction of electrons with atoms pro¬ 
duces x-rays, REBA can generate 25 rads 
<H.,0> at one meter. 

However, the electron beam mode is an¬ 
ticipated to be the primary method of oper¬ 
ation. To gain a more concentrated energy 
level, the four-inch diameter beam of elec¬ 
trons can be "pinched” down to a smaller 
target area. 

Electron Beam Physics Division 5245 will 
use REBA to investigate design features 
of low-impedance pulsed electron acceler¬ 
ator tubes. 

Design of REBA was centered in Divi¬ 
sion 5245 under Tom Martin. Dave John¬ 
son. project leader, had assistance from 
Don Butel, Ken Prestwich and Ray Klein. 
Components of the machine were built by 
local suppliers and assembled by Sandia. 

Radiation Source Applications Division 
5221 under Bob Jefferson is now respons¬ 
ible for operation of REBA and scheduling 
of experiments. REBA operator is Doug 

GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY for the new Sandia Laboratories Federal Credit 
Union was conducted last week by (I to r) Art Dekker, architect; Doug Ballard (7361), 
Credit Union president; Alan Pope (9300), Credit Union director; Virgil Harris (9133) 
first Credit Union President in 1948-49; Charles Campbell (4000), sponsor repre¬ 
sentative; John Tessman, contractor for new building; and Laddie Otoski, manager, 
AEC/SAO. The new building, containing 4300 sq. ft. of space, will be completed 
in February. Construction cost is $125,000. 

Voters Decide 

New Constitution or Old? 

On Dec. 9. New Mexico voters will go to 
the polls to make a decision that is likely 
to have a profound effect on the state for 
years to come. They are being asked to 
approve or reject a new constitution. If 
they approve, the state will be provided 
with an instrument for change and mod¬ 
ernization and with sufficient flexibility 
to meet governmental complexities un¬ 
dreamed of when the original constitution 
was written 59 years ago. 

The proposed constitution represents 
considerable change in a number of im¬ 
portant areas: governmental organization, 
the judiciary, education, finance, and 
human and natural resources. 

LAB NEWS, in this and coming issues, 
will point out some of the significant 
changes in the proposed constitution. You 
are urged to become familiar with the pro¬ 
visions of the proposed constitution, a copy 
of which will be mailed to every registered 
voter, probably in late November or early 
December. Newspapers throughout the 
state are publishing it and it will be dis¬ 
cussed widely on radio and television. So 
read the constitution, and compare its pro¬ 
visions with those of the present constitu¬ 
tion, so that you can vote intelligently on 
Dec. 9. 

Two Sandians have played an active role 
in the drafting of the document. Bob Es- 
terly (9414) was vice chairman of the 
Constitutional Revision Commission which 
worked out details of the Constitutional 
Convention and prepared a draft constitu¬ 
tion. Bill Warren (1721) was among 70 
delegates elected to rewrite the constitu¬ 
tion. Bill was a member of the Education, 
Natural Resources, and Style Committees 
of the convention. 

The original constitution, according to 
the Constitution Revision Commission is 
"... among the longest of any of the 
state constitutions, is replete with archaic 
provisions, restrictive amendatory and pro¬ 
cedural requirements, numerous details of 
a statutory nature, and contains a multi¬ 
tude of express checks on the exercise of 
governmental powers.” It has been amend¬ 
ed 72 times in the past 59 years and, in 
the view of the commission, often con¬ 
flicts with federal law and the United 
States Constitution. 

During a 60-day session the Convention 
succeeded in reducing the number of con¬ 
stitutional articles from 24 to 14 and in 
making the document more consistent with 
its federal counterparts. 

Here are some of the more significant 
provisions of the proposed constitution: 

Government reorganization, Articles III 
and IV — elect state senators to four-year 
term (instead of the present six years): 
but continue two-year terms for represent¬ 

—mandatory reapportionment of the 
legislature after each 10-year census; 


To Harry Kinney (1222) for the death 
of his wife on Oct. 28. 

To Pat Maurer (4363-1) for the death of 
her father in Wheeling, W. Va., Oct. 27. 

To A. E. Randall (4332) for the death of 
his mother in Fayetteville, Ark., Oct. 20. 

To Arsenio Montoya (2342) for the death 
of his wife, Oct. 31. 

To Loren File (4252-2) for the death of 
his mother in Illinois, Oct. 30. 

—move the legislature’s convening date 
from January to February to allow the 
governor time to prepare programs and 
recommendations to be presented; 

—extend the legislative session from 60 
days during each odd-numbered year and 
30 days during each even-numbered year 
to a total of 115 days to be structured to 
fit the circumstances; 

—adopt a more realistic compensation 
plan for lawmakers. In addition to the 
present per diem allowance, legislators 
would receive a salary “not to exceed an 
amount equal to 15 percent of the average 
salaries of . . . the governor and the chief 
justice of the supreme court.” 

Article IV, pertaining to the executive 
branch, contains the most far-reaching 
changes. Chief among these is the so-call¬ 
ed "short ballot” under which only four 
governmental offices would be elective — 
governor, lieutenant governor, state auditor 
and state land commissioner. The offices 
of secretary of state, attorney general, and 
treasurer would be appointive. 

Governor Cargo and a number of pre¬ 
vious governors asked the convention for 
this provision in order to strengthen the 
executive branch by making key cabinet 
positions responsible to the governor in¬ 
stead of to the electorate. Under the pres¬ 
ent system elected officials of a governor’s 
cabinet can be, and often are, at variance 
with his policies — an arrangement the 
governors felt that was not conducive to 
good administration. 

Other features of Article IV: 

—retain the Bureau of Agriculture under 
the board of regents of New Mexico State 

—establish a Human Rights Commis¬ 

—change the terms of office for gov¬ 
ernor, lieutenant governor, state auditor, 
and land commissioner from two to four 

Article V, which pertains to the judici¬ 
ary, differs chiefly in length from the 
present version. Its most significant fea¬ 
ture establishes a unified court system un¬ 
der the direction of the New Mexico Su¬ 
preme Court. Moves to make judgeships 
appointive rather than elective failed to 

NEXT: The Bill of Rights, education, 
human and natural resources, and the 
elective franchise. 

"What can we do to entertain them? 
They spent millions just to visit us!" 

FAVORITE SUBJECTS for Willard Converse's 35mm camera are located on hikes throughout 
New Mexico, but the fine quality of his enlargements comes directly from his darkroom. 

Photo Hobby Leads to Scenic Spots 
And Varied Technical Challenges 

No one was surprised when Willard 
Converse (5300/5500) began taking first 
prizes for his black and white photographs 
at the New Mexico Fair four years ago. 
Willard is a very thorough person and 
the composition as well as printing would 
first have to meet his own high standards. 

“I’d been interested in photography all 
along, but had always been too busy with 
other activities. Four years ago I decided 
to make it my principal hobby,” he ex¬ 
plains. This led to his setting up a dark¬ 
room to process his own film, purchasing 
back-packing equipment so that he can 
take New Mexico Mountain Club trips to 
scenic places, and studying cacti — one of 
his favorite photographic subjects. 

A follower of Ansel Adams, Willard ad¬ 
mires this famous photographer’s mastery 
of technique and his ability to perceive 
moods and to control conditions. “My ap¬ 
proach is to master the techniques first,” 
he says. Willard prefers realism rather 
than highly contrived situations. 

Because of the many variables in the 
photographic process, Willard limits these 
as much as possible, using only one camera 
(a Swiss-made Alpa 35mm with a 50mm 
lens) and one film. Until recently that 
preferred film was Panatomic-X, but now 
it’s a high contrast copy film such as that 
used in microfilming. He sets his light 
meter at about half the recommended ASA 
emulsion rating and uses a special low 
contrast developer to counteract the high 
contrast of the film. The result is an 
extremely fine grain negative from which 
a 16” x 20” enlargement of superior qual¬ 
ity can be printed. 

Willard found a neat solution to the 
ever-present problem of airborne dust in 
Albuquerque darkrooms. “I knew the prin- 

Take Note 

Charlie Chavez (4335) emerged the 
champ of the recent Sandia Laboratories 
tennis tournament. Doubles winners were 
John McKiernan (9521) and Bob Clark 

Runnersup were Bill Poole (9252) in sin¬ 
gles competition, Bill Villenueva (7513) and 
Lou Sisneros (4152) in doubles. 

Anyone interested in joining in tennis 
ladder play should contact one of the 
members of the committee — Tex Wind¬ 
ham (7521), Bill Poole (9253), Andy Kyzar 
(7363) or Herman Smith (AEC/ALO). 

Round Robin team tournaments in two 
Sandia table tennis leagues were complet¬ 
ed recently. Winners of A league are Daril 
Gutscher < 1213), Jarvin Bumgarner < 1611), 
A1 Maes (1612) and Gloria Toland (4623). 
B League winners are George Perkins 
(2613), Earl Morris (1553), Larry Kiefer 
(7325) and Billy Duggin (7342). 

Eight teams competed in A league, seven 
in B league. 


Mr. and Mrs. John Sisneros (4153), a 
daughter, Christine Marie, Oct. 15. 

ciple of the Whitfield laminar airflow 
cleanroom and adapted it to a corner of 
my darkroom,” he says. I purchased some 
filters at the salvage yard and installed 
a fan between the ceiling beams to force 
the air blown into an enclosure I had 
placed around the enlarger. It’s a big help 
and eliminates having to touch-up spots 
on prints.” 

As to favorite scenic locations, Willard 
likes White Sands National Monument. 
“There’s a different vista around every 
corner — but it’s easy to get lost there.” 
he says. The most challenging spot is Tent 
Rocks near Cochiti Pueblo. "I’ve been there 
three or four times in summer and in 
winter, but I still haven’t found the can¬ 
yon under the right light. I’ll probably 
have to camp there overnight." he con¬ 

SHY TYPE—LAB NEWS tried to engage 
this lady engineer as bathing suit model 
for Coronado Club picture. But she 
would have none of it and we had to 
settle for this fetching pose as she put¬ 
ters with her equipment over in Bldg. 
819. Sorry, we didn't even get her name. 

Paul VanDyke, left, (8233) and Dave Dean (8343). Data obtained from photos include the 
velocity of the expelled metal, visible characteristics of the blow-off plume and the 
bending of the test sample as a function of time. 

DEFENSIVE DRIVING INSTRUCTION—National Safety Council instructor-trainer 
Paul Ven DeMark (right) illustrates a common traffic problem to (from left) Don 
DuBose (8223), Norm Sirnic (8254), and Gil Rhodes, supervisor of Safety Engineering 
Division 8262. The course was attended by nine people from Sandia Laboratories 
Livermore who are, in turn, instructing other Sandians in defensive driving. 

Electron Beam Effects on Materials 

Irradiating material with a pulsed elec¬ 
tron beam and photographing the re¬ 
action as it occurs is an effective tech¬ 
nique used by Sandia Laboratories Liver¬ 
more to analyze how very rapid heating 
affects the material. 

"In a typical test,” says engineer Dave 
Dean <8343'. "a material sample is heated 
with a short 'less than 40 nanoseconds) 
burst of electrons. The energy of the elec¬ 
trons is absorbed near the surface of the 
test sample, and if the intensity of the 
electron fluence is great enough, the ma¬ 
terial in the irradiated region is almost 
instantaneously melted and vaporized. 
Forces created by thermal expansion expel 
this material from the rest of the test 
sample at very high velocities.” 

The sequence of pictures ibelow) taken 
4, 40 and 80 microseconds after the elec¬ 
trons hit a metal sample shows how the 
melted portion of the material is expelled 
from the rest of the sample. The plume of 

material is being blown back toward the 
source of the electron stream. Enough 
energy was deposited so that the mstal was 
heated only into the melt phase. 

The plume lengthens with time because 
the material at the leading edge of the 
plume goes faster than the material at the 
trailing edge. Again, this is a reflection of 
the way energy is deposited in the material 
by the electrons. 

Other points of interest in the pictures 
are the appearance of streamers in the 
blow-off plume at later times and the 
bending of the test sample. Bending is 
caused by a recoil reaction between the test 
sample and expelled material. 

The photographic apparatus — adapted 
for the experiments by Paul VanDyke 
<8233-3) — employed a Cordin framing 
camera which can operate at speeds be¬ 
tween 250,000 and 2.000,000 frames per 

Effect of electron beam on metal test sample 

4 microseconds: 

40 microseconds: 

80 microseconds: 

blow-off plume begins 

metal plume separates 

plume breaks into 

to form 

from sample 

streamers; test sample 
is bending 



Supervisory Appointment 

GLEN O T E Y to 
supervisor, Project 
Engineering Divi¬ 
sion 8157, effective 
Nov. 1. 

Glen joined 
Sandia Laboratories 
Livermore in Sep¬ 
tember 1966 as a 
staff member in a 
project engineering 
division, where he 
was responsible primarily for vulnerability 
testing and mechanical design. About three 
months ago, he transferred to the pre¬ 
liminary design group and at the time of 
his promotion was involved in systems 
evaluation and design. 

Before joining Sandia, Glen was em¬ 
ployed as a mechanical engineer by Boeing 
in New Orleans, doing analytical work in 
heat transfer and fluid mechanics in sup¬ 
port of the development of the Saturn 5 

He has a BS degree in nuclear engineer¬ 
ing from Mississippi State University and 
an MS in mechanical engineering from 
Tulane University. 

Glen served in the Navy as a pilot from 
1955-60. Since then, he has been in the 
Naval Reserve and currently is executive 
officer of a squadron at Alameda Naval 
Air Station. 

He is a member of the American Institute 
of Aeronautics and Astronautics and is a 
registered engineer in Louisiana. 

Glen and his wife Barbara live at 471 
Ontario Drive, Livermore, with their three 
children, two boys and a girl. 


To Jerry Starr (8222) for the death of 
his mother in Okemah, Okla., Oct. 9. 

Don Veca Awarded 
Master's Degree in EE 

tional Check of a 
Product Tester." 

Don Veca of Ac¬ 
ceptance Equipment 
Division 8 15 1 re¬ 
ceived a master of 
science degree in 
electrical engineer¬ 
ing recently from 
Louisiana Polytech¬ 
nic Institute. 

His thesis was en¬ 
titled “A Product 
Simulator for Func- 
ilse Code Modulator 

Don joined Sandia Laboratories Liver¬ 
more in October 1966, and was assigned 
to Electrical Subsystems Division where he 
worked on the design of firing sets. For the 
past two years, he has been designing prod¬ 
uct testers in Acceptance Equipment Divi- 

Previously, Don was an electical engineer 
with the Thiokol Chemical Corporation in 
Louisiana. While at Thiokol, he completed 
the course work requirements for his 
master's degree. His thesis was based on 
work completed at Sandia. 

He received his BS degree in electrical 
engineering from Tulane University in 

Take Note 

Marvin Glaze, manager of Security. 
Safety Engineering Environmental Health 
Department 8260, discussed Deployment. 
Supervision and Training of Contract 
Guards at a recent Western Electric Se¬ 
curity Investigator Training Program. The 
program was held at WE's Corporate Edu¬ 
cation Center near Princeton. N. J. 

Laser Raman Spectroscopy 
At Nov. 1! Colloquium 

Laser Raman spectroscopy will be the 
subject of the Nov. 11 colloquium at Sandia 
Laboratories Livermore. By means of this 
technology, individual gaseous species can 
be distinguished by the shift of wavelength 
of the light scattered from a high power 
monochromatic light beam. 

An explanation of the Raman effect as 
well as several of its applications will be 
given by Danny Hartley, a staff member 
in Aerothermodynamics Division 8351. As¬ 
sociated with Sandia since 1968, Danny has 
applied laser technology to Raman spec¬ 
troscopy and has proposed a unique flow 
visualization technique for which a patent 
has been applied. 

Danny received his doctorate in aero¬ 
space engineering from Georgia Institute 
of Technology in 1967. He was later award¬ 
ed a research fellowship at the von Karman 
Institute for Fluid Dynamics in Belgium 
where he became familiar with electron 
beam fluorescence spectroscopy. He is a 
member of the American Institute of Aero¬ 
nautics and Astronautics and Sigma Xi. 

Tickets are required. Alec Willis <8351> 
is host. 

SANDIA RETIREES—Speakers from the district office and the 
Livermore Chapter of the American Association of Retired Per¬ 
sons (AARP) recently addressed this group of Sandia retirees 

and their spouses who reside in the Bay Area. Subject was local 
chapter of the association. Luncheon meeting was fourth annual 
get together for the group. 

With Sandia at Amchitka 




On Thursday, Oct. 2, the weather was "good" for a change. 
It was relatively clear and winds were quiet. Usually the tem¬ 
perature hangs around 35 and the place is socked in with fog 
or rain. Amchitka in the Aleutians has been described as the 
place with the worst weather in the world. 

The nuclear device—equal to one megaton of TNT —was 
detonated at 12:06 p.m. It registered 6.5 on the Richter scale 
as had been predicted. As a matter of fact, everything went 
about as predicted. 

Only a rock slide and earth slumps occurred along the cliffs 
of the island. There were no water wave effects, only a slight 
ripple not exceeding two inches which was noted near the 

island. A few stacks of vertical rock (sea stacks) tumbled, 
but eagles and other birds were seen perched on the stacks 
about three hours after detonation. 

All went well in the pens of sea otters. They were heartily 
eating fish four hours after detonation and were subsequently 
released into their natural habitat. Predictions of no damage 
to the ecological systems at Amchitka were verified. 

The Sandians packed up their gear and came home. Wasn't 
much to do there except fish anyway. 

Sandia provided instrumentation for the earth and under¬ 
water measurements of the shock wave created by the detona¬ 
tion. Sandia scientists are evaluating data collected. 

SANDIANS struggle up steep bank from beach 
through the tundra. Entire island, except for wind¬ 
swept rocks, is covered with this dense growth. 

BELOW—Mel Merritt (9150), Tests Effects Evalu¬ 
ation Scientist for Project Milrow, feeds sea otters 
held in a pen some 4500 yards from ground zero. 
Frisky animals were unhurt by the underground 

LARRY LARSEN (9123) adjusts cables on a telemetry 
tower. Sandia provided instrumentation for measuring 
ground and underwater shock from the detonation. 

AERIAL VIEW of Sandia's recording trailer park shows the post perched on the 
tundra above rocky shore line. Both hard wire and RF telemetry link was used in 
recording data from detonation. 

FISHING was one of the few recreational activities available on the island, but it 
was great according to Sandians who participated in Project Milrow. At left, Dale 
Breding (9123) displays a sea trout while Bob Howard (EG&G), Bob Holt (9123) and 
Ben Benjamin (9123) display a prize catch of freshwater Dolly Varden trout. The 
fish were cooked in the mess hall, made a fine evening's meal. 

HARRY HOLMES (9123) had a little difficulty with 
this "tundra buggy" but the tracked vehicle was 
the only thing that could cross open tundra. 

BALD EAGLES, some with sev¬ 
en-foot wingspread, abound on 

CABLE from underwater instrumentation to recording trailer park is being strung 
by a crew from the "Sea Tender." The instruments recorded shock wave in the sea 
around the island resulting from the Milrow detonation. 

Supervisory Appointments 

PAUL plomp to 
supervisor, NC Pro¬ 
gramming Section 
425 1 - 1, effective 
Nov. 1. 

Paul came to 
Sandia in 1965 and 
worked in the En¬ 
gineering Practices 
Division where he 
was a computer 
programmer design- 
for numerical con¬ 
trolled machines. Last year he transferred 
to the Numerics System Division 7624. In 
this division he continued designing sys¬ 
tems software but also worked on engi¬ 
neering analysis programs. 

He has a BS degree in mechanical engi¬ 
neering from the University of Denver. His 
MS, also in mechanical engineering, was 
earned at UNM under Sandia’s Technical 
Development Program. 

Paul is a member of the American Soci¬ 
ety of Mechanical Engineers. 

Paul, his wife Sharon, and their two 
children live at 12312 Pine Ridge Ave. NE. 

She has a BS degree in business admin¬ 
istration from New Mexico State University 
where she also earned a secretarial certifi¬ 

Jan, her husband Jim, and their two 
children live at Canoncito Estates in the 

supervisor, Secre¬ 
tarial Services Sec¬ 
tion 3256-2, effec¬ 
tive Nov. 1. 

Jan joined Sandia 
in 1959 as a secre¬ 
tary - stenographer 
and worked in var- 
ious organizations 
until she left the 
Laboratories in 1962. 
She was rehired three years later and, in 
1966, was promoted to secretary of the Ad¬ 
vanced Systems Research Department. She 
subsequently has been secretary to the 
Physics and Mathematics Research Direc¬ 
torate 1700, and since the beginning of this 
year has been secretary to Vice President 
Solomon Buchsbaum (5000). 


to supervisor. Ap¬ 
prentice Section 
4253-5, effective 
Nov. 1. 

Jake started his 
Sandia career in 
1955 as a machinist 
helper in the ma¬ 
chine shop. In 1958 
he joined Sandia’s 
machinist appren¬ 
ticeship program and was a member of the 
first graduating class in 1960. He worked 
as a machinist until 1965 when he was pro¬ 
moted to staff assistant and programmer 
in the NC Programming Division. In 1967 
he became an apprentice instructor in the 
Employee Training and Education Division 

A graduate of St. Mary’s High in Albu¬ 
querque, Jake has been taking courses in 
Sandia’s Technical Institute Equivalency 
Program and will complete the program in 

He was a member of the New Mexico 
Air Guard for 12 years. 

Jake, his wife Dina, and their three chil¬ 
dren live at 8805 Robin NE. 

Jim Walston Exhibits Art 

An exhibit of drawings by Jim Walston 
(3417-3) is currently hanging in the Las¬ 
siter Memorial Laboratory Building at 
Lovelace Clinic. Included are 15 drawings 
of Indians, many of them from Cochiti 
Pueblo. The exhibit will remain through 
Nov. 20. The building is open from 7:30 
a.m. to 5 pm. Monday through Friday and 
7:30 to noon on Saturday. 


Norman Nichols, 
a staff assistant in 
Project Design Def¬ 
inition Division 
7613, will retire the 
end of this month. 
He was employed 
by Sandia in Sep¬ 
tember 1957 and 
has has been with 
the drafting organ¬ 
ization the entire 
time. Before joining the Laboratories he 
worked at the U.S. Navy Electronics Lab¬ 
oratory in San Diego. 

Mr. and Mrs. Nichols have no children 
but “lots of nieces and nephews,” Norman 
says. Both are native Californians — Nor¬ 
man lived there for more than 50 years — 
and have many friends and relatives liv¬ 
ing in the state. “We plan to visit with 
people in California, Florida and Iowa after 
I retire,” Norman says. 

“I have a variety of hobbies and don’t 
really know if I’ll have time to do all the 
things I want to.” One big item on the 
agenda is to remodel their home at 2715 
Santa Clara Ave. SE. “We sold our former 
home and bought this smaller place, think¬ 
ing that it would take less care and time 
to maintain,” Norman says. “But I didn’t 
realize how much work was involved when 
I started planning to fix the house up — 
so I saved it all to do after I retire.” 

James Southall, a 
precision welder in 
Assembly Section 
4232-1, is retiring 
Nov. 10. He has 
been at Sandia al¬ 
most 17 years — 
since December 

His retirement 
plans are somewhat 
indefinite except for 
one idea - “I will not sit and be idle,” he 
says. Mr. Southall says he will make his 
retirement home either in Albuquerque or 
Santa Fe — he lived in Santa Fe for 14 
years. “I may open a small maintenance 
shop for appliances,” he says. “I like to 
keep busy and I enjoy that sort of work.” 
Other plans include travel — just to look 
around and visit with relatives in Colo¬ 
rado, Oklahoma, California and Washing¬ 

Mr. Southall is active in volunteer 
church work. “I expect to continue this 
activity. I also spend a lot of time at the 
Veteran’s Hospital running errands, writ¬ 
ing letters or doing anything I can to 

NOVEMBER 7, 1969 

On Island of Hawaii 


Sandians Helping Dig Harbor 
With Conventional High Explosives 

Four Sandians are on the island of 
Hawaii this week assisting in an Army 
Corps of Engineers project to dig a har¬ 
bor with conventional high explosives. Luke 
Vortman of Underground Physics Division 
9111 is scientific officer for the project 
with responsibility for making air blast 
predictions and measurements. 

Phase I of the project is being conduct¬ 
ed now. This is a safety calibration series. 
Several small yield high explosive crater¬ 
ing charges are being detonated to pro¬ 
vide air blast and ground shock data in 
the vicinity of the project site. 

Gerry Laursen and Dean List of In¬ 
strumentation Fielding Division 9123 are 

Fall Golf Tourney 

Winners in recent Sandia Employee Golf 
Association tournaments were Jerry Smith 
<7263) who took the low gross crown in 
the Fall Classic tournament with a 72, 
and Bill Stacey (AEC/ALO), who won the 
low net trophy with a net 65. 

SEGA team championship was won by 
Dale Jones <2642), Don Fjelseth (2315) 
and Lewis Fjelseth (1516) with a total net 
score of 204. 

Don Longcope (1222) won the low net 
trophy for the SEGA Overflow Tourney in 
an 18-hole playoff with Rick Blose <7652) 
after the two tied with 70. Jim Leonard 
(7521) took low gross with a 74. 

responsible for the air blast instrumenta¬ 
tion system. Mel Gallegos of Data Engi¬ 
neering and Development Division 7291 
is responsible for on-site data reduction. 

Site of the proposed harbor is Kawaihae 
Bay on the northeast coast of the island. 
Aim of the project is a harbor for shallow 
draft boats. Explosive cratering techniques 
for producing a harbor basin in shallow 
water will also be demonstrated. 

Data from the current series will be used 
to determine the maximum safe detona¬ 
tion yield. In addition, the series will pro¬ 
vide crater dimension data from under¬ 
water detonations in coral which will be 
used for design of the remainder of the 

In Phase II, excavation of the entrance 
channel to the harbor is planned with 
simultaneous detonation of a number of 
high explosive charges placed in a row. 
Phase III will be excavation of berthing 
basins using either a row charge or an 
array of charges. Completion of the proj¬ 
ect is expected in May 1970. 

Experience gained from this project may 
be useful in Project Plowshare — the 
AEC’s program for developing peaceful 
uses of nuclear explosives. Since 1962, the 
AEC and the Army Corps of Engineers 
have been engaged in a joint research pro¬ 
gram to develop technology for use of 
nuclear explosives in large-scale civil en¬ 
gineering projects. 

Big Snow Job? 

Ski Movie, Ski Swap 
Prelude to White Stuff 

Entertainment, an opportunity to buy or 
sell ski equipment, and a chance to help 
the volunteer Sandia Peak Ski Patrol. All 
this and more is in store the next two 

Tomorrow evening the Patrol sponsors 
a showing of Warren Miller’s new full- 
length feature movie “This Is Skiing.” 
Opening the program will be previews of 
improvements at Sandia Peak, Taos, Angel 
Fire, and Purgatory ski areas. Activities 
get underway at 7:30 p.m. at the Civic 
Auditorium. Tickets are $1.25. 

On Friday, Nov. 14, doors of the Flower 
Building on the State Fair Grounds will 
be open from 2 to 9 p.m. to receive ski 
equipment and clothing to be sold Nov. 15 
and 16 during the Third Annual Ski Swap. 
Sale hours will be 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. There 

will also be movies, refreshments, and dis¬ 
plays. John Shunny (3432) is chairman for 
both activities. Other Sandians assisting 
him are John Davenport (2344) and Keev- 
in Moriarty (4121). 

Skiers visiting Sandia Peak this winter 
will be able to see where Ski Swap profits 
have gone. This summer, Patrolmen spent 
weekends building a warming hut at the 
top of Exhibition run. It is primarily for 
use of Patrolmen standing a “top watch,” 
but will also provide shelter for treating 
skiers injured near the top. The Patrol’s 
rescue toboggans can be stored under the 
structure to keep them snow-free. 

The Sandia Peak Ski Patrol has 40 
volunteer members and last season treat¬ 
ed 384 accident victims, including 75 frac¬ 

Patrol warming hut 
at the top of Exhibi¬ 
tion run at Sandia 
Peak is the result of 
volunteer labor and 
profit from the Ski 
Patrol's annual Ski 
Swap. Another Ski 
Swap will be held 
Nov. 15-16. Patrol¬ 
men who helped 
build the hut includ¬ 
ed (I to r). Jack Cyrus 
(2325), Pete Stirbis 
(1542), Don Bush 
(2343), and Navy 
Commander Bill 

80-POUND CORE, wound by Ralph Dalby with coaxial cable, will become part of a 
capacitor bank. A wide variety of windings is carred out by Transformer Section 4231-5. 
Mylar (on rolls in background) is used to separate layers of bare wire. 

Minute Cores Wire-Wound 
In 4200's Transformer Shop 

It’s almost like working with your im¬ 
agination. How else could you explain 
winding a copper wire, so thin you can’t 
feel it, around a doughnut shaped core, so 
tiny you can scarcely see it. 

This is one of the latest jobs tackled by 
the men and women in Jim Reek’s Trans¬ 
former Section 4231-5. In this instance, 
the engineer’s specifications required 140 
turns of wire on the core. The No. 55 
wire is .00025 of an inch in diameter and 
costs $2800 a pound. Because of its 
thinness, the wire can only be wound 
through the core’s center by hand with 
tweezers under a magnifying glass. A trial 
run of 50 turns took four hours; usually 
when the wire breaks it’s necessary to start 
over as a splice could cause a possible 

By using a holding fixture, the winding 
is sometimes made without a core. A liquid 
epoxy is applied to the wire with a fine 
brush as the turns are made, the finished 
product is cured in an oven. It is then 
self-supporting and requires no further 
“potting” in plastic. 

Much of this work comes from Circuit 
Components Division 2632. Almost all of 
the transformers are prototypes, and after 
the design is proven a commercial manu¬ 
facturer does the production work. The 
Transformer Shop also has the capability 
of rewinding, repairing or replacing trans¬ 
formers on an emergency basis to keep 
the maintenance and electronic organiza¬ 
tion on a minimum breakdown status. 

When the transformer core is unavail¬ 
able from a commercial source, Sandia’s 
Pattern Shop or Machine Shop will make 
one to the engineer’s specifications. 

Roughly 80 percent of the transformers 
are round, but last month the group 
wound some antenna coils which were 
four feet square. A current job used an 
80-pound core to be wound with coaxial 
cable 3/4-inch in diameter. Four of these 
transformers will be used in a 150,000 volt 
capacitor bank. 

Film Unit Named Winner of Cindy 

Sandia Laboratories has been named 
winner of a “Cindy” award for the film 
“Laboratory in the Desert: the Story of 
Tonopah Test Range.” The award was won 
in a competition of the Information Film 
Producers of America, an association of 
governmental and industrial agencies who 
produce technical, scientific, and educa¬ 
tional documentary films. 

The 23-minute sound/color film was pro¬ 
duced by Motion Picture Production Di¬ 
vision 3454 and is now available for dis¬ 
tribution within the Laboratories. The film 
was made for public relations and recruit¬ 
ing purposes outside Sandia and, internal¬ 
ly, for briefing of persons interested in 
Range capabilities. 

The silver “Cindy” plaque which San¬ 
dia received is the second highest award. 

Certificates were presented to individual 
members of the production crew: Bob Col- 
gan (3454) — producer, Chuck Cockelreas 
<3454) — writer/director, Bill Mahaffey 
(3454) — cinematographer/editor, Ken 

Miller (3417) — art director, Bill Geek 
(3454) — second cameraman, Howard 

Hayden <3454) — sound, Joe Flanagan 
(3455-2) and Wayne Gravning <3454) — 
special photo effects. 

Contact Division 3454 if you wish to 
schedule a showing of the flim. 

"CINDY" AWARD won by Motion Picture 
Production Division 3454. The award was 
won for a 23 minute sound/color film on 
Tonopah Test Range. "Cindy" awards are 
given by an association of institutional film 

Normally one thinks of petite women 
with high dexterity as being best able to 
perform such tasks. The Transformer Shop 
has such, but it also has Ralph Dalby. 
layout operator, who claims to be the tal¬ 
lest man at Sandia — he’s 6 foot 10. He 
also has some 20 years experience with 
transformers. “We’ve always been able to 
do a job for an engineering organization,” 
he says with pride. “A transformer or coil 
meeting requirements for which it was de¬ 
signed is of high concern and reflects a 
pride in our craftsmanship. We will wind 
any size or shape of coil or transformer 
requested by the design engineering organ¬ 

RIDGES in Helen Agats' finger seem large 
compared with these transformer coils 
which will receive 140 windings of ultra- 
fine copper wire. 

Service Awards 

20 Years 

15 Years 


10 Years 

NOVEMBER 7, 1969 

8129. William Kampfe 7325. Esther Martinez 4613, Jack Cyrus 
2325. Ronald Clouser 7511. Dwayne Mohrman 8172. Bemadine 
Ross 3455. Jo.-.n Madsen 8330. Richard Sbimada 8252, Wanda 
Cupp 4333. 


John Marcon (2451), J. R. Rosborough 
(2451), and L. O. Cropp (9522), “Master- 
Slave Computer Linked by Telephone 
Lines,” October issue, CONTROL ENGI¬ 

L. W. Davison (5133) and D. E. Amos 
<1722), “Dissipation in Liquid Crystals,” 
Vol. 183, No. 1. PHYSICAL REVIEW. 

Albert Narath <5100), “Magnetic Prop¬ 
erties of Dilute Gold-Vanadium Alloys: 

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in AuV and 
Au<Ag)V,” Vol. 183, No. 2, PHYSICAL 

J. M. Peek and T. A. Green (both 5232), 
“Improvement in the First Bom Theory 
of Electron Scattering by Molecular Sys¬ 
tems. I. Theory. II. Example" and “Angular 
Distribution of Protons from Collisional 
Dissociation of H 2 +.I,” Vol. 183, No. 1, 

Visits to Research Laboratories 
Added Plus to Japanese Conference 

You don’t find many of our technical 
conferences that begin with a concert, but 
the first item on the program of the re¬ 
cent International Meeting on Ferroelec- 
tricity, held in Japan, was three selections 
by the Kyoto Youth Symphony. Cecil Land 
(5153) reports, "They played Bach like 
they were born with it.” 

Cecil and George Samara (5132) were 
among 300 scientists from 12 foreign coun¬ 
tries who presented papers at the Kyoto 
meeting. As is frequently the case, visits 
to university facilities and the laboratories 
of industrial firms in the host country 
were of great interest. 

En route to Japan, the two Sandians 
visited the laboratory of Professor M. H. 
Manghnini at the University of Hawaii. 
He is studying the effects of very high 
pressure on the physical properties of na¬ 
tural and synthetic materials using ultra¬ 
sonic techniques. 

The first evening in Tokyo, on their way 
to a restaurant, Cecil and George walked 
right into several hundred demonstrators. 
The Japanese students were chanting and 
formed a snake dance, but it was all under 
the eye of the police and quite orderly. 

After the Kyoto meeting Cecil and 
George visited the Institute for Solid State 
Physics of the University of Tokyo. Some 
of the work in ferroelectricity, ferromag¬ 
netism, and high pressure research is re¬ 
lated to Sandia projects and they found it 
useful to exchange ideas. 

Another visit was to the Electrical Com¬ 
munications Laboratory, the Japanese 
equivalent of Bell Telephone Laboratories. 
Cecil gave an informal talk on optical 
properties of ferroelectric ceramics before 
a large group of staff members, many of 
whom saw a number of possible applica¬ 
tions. Electrooptics research underway 
there is in laser transmission channels, 
image transmission, modulation schemes 
for lasers, high density electrooptic mem¬ 
ories, and magnetooptic devices using man¬ 
ganese bismuth thin films. “We saw re¬ 
search along the same lines as that under¬ 
way in America, and the results appeared 
to be parallel,” Cecil says. “We were im¬ 
pressed with their efforts in crystal grow¬ 
ing. They had some of the best electro- 
optical crystals we had ever seen, and the 
crystals were apparently grown by stand¬ 
ard techniques.” 

George stopped at the Electro-Technical 
Laboratory (the equivalent of our Nation¬ 
al Bureau of Standards) to meet scientists 
with whom he had corresponded who are 
interested in ferromagnetism and ferro¬ 
electricity. He also gave an informal talk 

Cecil stayed on in Tokyo where he was 
among eight speakers invited to participate 
in a symposium on Applications of Ferro- 
electrics in the Fields of Electronics and 
Opto Electronics. This meeting, attended 
by about 200 persons, was held in a resi¬ 
dence built for the Prince of Japan and, 
after World War II, occupied by the Prime 

He was invited to visit the laboratory of 
Professors W. Kinase and K. Ohi at the 

“TEA BREAK," during a recent technical 
symposium in Tokyo, found Cecil Land 
(5153) exchanging ideas with S. Banno 
(left), of the TKF Company in Nagoya, 
Japan. Building in background is former 
residence of the Prince of Japan. 

Waseda University School of Science and 
Engineering. These men are concerned 
with single crystal ferroelectrics of anti¬ 
mony sulfur iodide crystals. Several grad¬ 
uate students are assisting them in theo¬ 
retical studies of the physical properties 
of crystals with high polarization charac¬ 

“Buildings at two of the three campuses 
of Waseda University have been occupied 
by rioting students and the structures have 
been badly defaced,” Cecil relates. “The 
laboratory of these two professors was oc- 
laboratory of these two professors was 
occupied for one day. Since they work 
closely with students, they found this 
especially disturbing.” 

George wanted to visit the laboratory of 
a friend in Osaka, but a telephone call dis¬ 
closed that the professor’s lab had been 
occupied by students for two months! 

Both Sandians agreed that the Kyoto 
meeting was the best-organized conference 
they had ever attended. They were also 
impressed by the hospitality shown to the 
foreign visitors. 

Take Note 

Charles Barnes (5112) will present “The 
Effects of Co-60 Gamma Irradiation on 
Epitaxial GaAs Laser Diodes” at the 5100 
Staff Seminar on Tuesday, Nov. 18. The 
talk will start at 8:30 a.m. in Bldg. 806, 
Rm. 201. Interested Sandia technical staff 
are invited to attend the seminar. 






COLLIES, AKC, show quality, males & females, 
sable & white, $75 and up, terms to suit, avail¬ 

able Dec. 1 or will hold for Christmas. Lotz. 
296-2473 after 5. 

EIGHT PIECE limed oak dining room suite. 6 

chairs, table, buffet, 3 leaves, $95, 2817 Espanola 

NE. Sc'— ' 


of litter, AKC reg. German 
lent blood lines, later stud 
Villella, 298-7955. 

LANGE SKI BOOTS, size 814 meduim width, u 
5 times, $70. Whiting, 298-6598. 

•57 ALLSTATE 125cc motorcycle, $70; doj hi 
$5. Weber, 298-1564. 

DOUBLE BED w/box springs & mattress. $45. 

matching dresser, $75. Villa, 298-0435. 

TWO hand carved chairs, $30 e; 


s & coats, 

. Marsh, 243- 

'69 CHEVROLET 3/4 carryall seat w,seatbelt & 
hardware. South. 299-4060 after 5 30. 

EARLY AMERICAN hutch, solid maple; lawn 
edger & trimmer. Pass, 256-9663. 

DUAL pickup electric guitar & amp. used very lit¬ 
tle, not expensive. Hubbard, 299-7818. 
ARISTR0CRAT LO-Liner, 15' camper, '66 model, 
$1350. Wyer, 255-8190. 

ELECTRIC GUITAR & amplifier, Fender Kalamazoo 

6-string w reverb. 25w amp., cost $350 sell for 

$200 or make offer. Scott. 299-3412. 

EIGHT PUCE SETTINGS Lennox china, cost $40/ 
set, sell for $22/setting. Gasser, 255-4562. 
HEATER, SAFETY. Coleman catalytic, flameless, 
adjustable 500-8000 BTU, for tents, trailers, 
etc., used 3 trips. $25. Hunter. 296-2713. 
ANTIQUE Victorian furniture, living room. Eagan, 

GIBS0N-UNCER AMP. 1 12” speaker, reverb, 
tremelo, foot pedal plus speaker box, 1 15” speak¬ 
er, $125 or best offer. Mileshosky, 255-8904. 

2 SNOW TIRES & RIMS, 8:25x14 Oldsmobile size, 
$30. Stirbis. 299-5363. 

COUCH, white leather, $25. Meekins. 298-6681 

DANISH MODERN couch, $50; lounge chair & 
ottoman in brown naugahyde, $75; bumper pool 

table w/professional slate top, $100. Syme, 298- 


COMPLETE Purox Acetylene welding & cutting out- 

’ SPYDER bicycle, w, speedometer, $25: Whirl- 
lool automatic washer, $40; set of 4 soldier 
jlaques, metal, $20, cost $30. Fergesen, 299- 

..... »'x2’xlS", 

gray metal. Farley, 296-5732 after 6. 

SMALL miniature black poodles, males & females, 6 
wks. old. Johnson, 255-0262. 

MAPLE double bed w/matching chest of drawers & 
mirror; walnut chest of drawers; TV & stereo 
combination; bed spreads. Chandler, 296-3323. 
SKIS, Lund laminated hickory wood 205’s. cable 
binding, safety straps, used 1 yr., $40. Browne, 
344-9675 after 6. 

TOY POODLES. AKC champion lines. 3 silver, 2 
apricot, very small. Chavez, 298-0674, 3316 
Betts NE. 

TWO CHESTS of precision tools; 21”x26" drafting 

32L-33W U "’c l hareoa™, dS 'Dao'on "polyester.’ Easton] 


CAIRN TERRIER puppy, female, whelped Aug. 23. 

'69. AKC reg. litter, light brindle w/black mask. 

Mozey, 299-0349. 

SOFA, white plastic, 78” long, $50: child's chest 
of drawers, 14x32x47” long, $15. Pope, 255- 

V0IT WET SUITS, men's size 44 & women's size 
14. boots & gloves, all for $100. Bolles, 298- 

5255 after 6. 

BIRCH drop leaf table, 36”x56” 

er, 296-2191. 

setting, Formic; 

goblets, never used, 
M0SRITE electric guitar 

e Song pattern, 6 water 
ft a. Bert holt, 299-8549. 
dual pickups, $190; Olds 
del, $175. Bernard, 296- 


TOY P00OLE, silver male, 6 wks. old. exc 
pedigree, very small. Shipley, 298-2433. 
ELECTROLUX tank vacuum cleaner w/accessorier 

$20; photo tripod. $5: Silvertone B&W TV, $15; 

' ‘ gadget bag, $3. Alvino, 255-6339. 

terrestial telescope (also 

I $25, i 

, $16. 

r. Rick- 

deluxe model, 16-place 

Schowers, 255-6048. 

MAHOGANY drop-leaf table/buffet, $40/ea., hide- 
a-bed sofa, $75; 19" Emerson portable TV. $30. 
4 dinette chairs, chrome. Curkendall, 296-1339. 

SONY 530 tape recorder, used a few hours, speakers 

& microphones included, will demonstrate, $240. 
Phillips. 298-0541. 

35.000 BTU/HR Coleman floor furnace, 24.000 
BTU HR Cozy floor furnace; 4 chrome wheels 
for Volkswagen. Campbell, 268-8445. 

TRUCK TIRE CHAINS, 700-15, $10. Stephenson, 

’58 MGA ROADSTER, engine & clutch completely 
rebuilt recently. MacDougall, 299-8496. 

'64 VW 1500 sedan, radio, rebuilt engine, $950. 
Everett, 264-9133. 

'60 P0RCHE C0NV., rebuilt engine, clutch, suspen¬ 
sion. new Pireliss Konas, AM'FM. Caldes, 242- 

6 me?t° D |ow mUeaoe.^Watkfns, 299 C -04n. ra 

66 CHEV. 4-dr., white, Positraction, factory air, 
PS, PB. $1100 loan value, $905. Westman, 

64 3 4 TON FORD pickup, VS w/lO'/V camper. 
25,000 miles, steel belt Michelin tires 5000 
miles. $2500. Smaller, 299-8413. 

52 5 JjHEVR0LET, $125. Jewell. 256-0414 after 

62 VW deluxe sunroof sedan, 23,000 miles on 
rebuilt engine, new Dunlop tires, new interior, 
radio. $650. Freedman, 298-2177. 

60 FORD RANCHER0. Hightower, 299-4528. 

61 VW bug. ball clutch bearing, new brakes, tires, 
80,000 miles. $395. Barbier, 299-1305. 

59 STUDEBAKER Lark station wagon. $90. Mur- 
fin, 268-9252 evenings & weekends. 

55 PLYMOUTH station wagon. VS engine, still 
good, original owner, $95. Sundt, 256-3220 

Susan SE. Villella, 298-7955. 



winter for my mother-in-law. North Valley p 

ferred. Baxter, 344-7601. 

SHARE RIDE from vicinity Indian School & Gir 

Coronado Club Activities 

Packed November Calendar Features 
Social Hours, Lobster, Soul Session 

The Coronado Club calendar is packed 
for the next couple of weeks with some 
outstanding events. 

TONIGHT. The Aristocrats will play for 
dancing at social hour while the Club’s 
famous chuckwagon roast beef tops the 
buffet. The buffet costs $1.75 for adults, 
$1.50 for kids. 

TOMORROW, the free football bus to 
University Stadium will leave the Club at 
1 p.m. The Lobos will tackle Arizona State. 
The bus will return to the Club after the 
game where social hour prices will prevail 
in the main lounge for one hour. 

TOMORROW NIGHT, teenage sons 
and daughters of members will assemble 
for the monthly teen go go. Something 
called "The Gertude Blues” will start 
writhing about 7:30 p.m. and keep it up 
until 10:30 p.m. Member parents should 
pick up tickets <25 cents for members, 50 
cents for guests) by 9 p.m. tonight. 

NEXT FRIDAY, Nov. 14, social hour will 
feature the big happy sounds of the Gappy 
Mestas orchestra while the southern fried 
chicken is spread for the buffet. Social 
hours get underway right after work on 
Friday evenings with special prices until 
9 p.m. The buffet is served from 6 to 8 
p.m. while the band plays for dancing 
from 6 to 9 p.m. Then the TGIF crowd 
moves to the main lounge where Yolanda 
Adent holds a sing-along with piano. 

SATURDAY, Nov. 15, is another big 
day for Club activities. 

The football bus will leave the Club at 
1 p.m. for the Lobo Homecoming game 
with Wyoming. After the game, social 
hour prices in the main lounge. 

At San Mateo Lanes that afternoon, the 
Club will conduct a bowling tournament for 
men and women’s singles and doubles. Top 
bowlers will qualify as members of the 
Club’s teams and will compete in the City 
tournaments. To enter the competition, 
contact John Nakayama <1514), director, 
tel. 299-8539. 

On Saturday night, Nov. 15, the New 
England seafood dinner will be enjoyed 
by the 250 early-bird people who made 
their reservations in time. The event was 
sold out two weeks ago. Sol Chavez and 
the mighty Duke City Brass will play for 
dancing after the troops enjoy a free wine 
taste, Maine lobsters and cherrystone 

For those who missed out, take heart: 
another New England seafood dinner with 
the same menu is scheduled March 14. 
It’s only a few months away and Club 
Manager Jim Noonan just might take 
your reservation now. 

ON NOV. 11, the Club will take a holiday 
and facilities will be closed. 

will be served as a 99-cent special on 
Thursday, Nov. 20. Rosario Ayres will 
present a Holiday Fashion Show during 
the noon hour. 

SOCIAL HOUR on Friday, Nov. 21, will 
feature Tommy Kelly and the trio of smil¬ 
ing Irishmen on the bandstand while the 
New Mexican food buffet is spread. 

ON SATURDAY, Nov. 22, a modern 
rock group — Rod King and the Knights 
— will return to the Club, by popular de¬ 
mand of the younger ones, to play for a 
"Pre-Holiday Soul Session.” This is an 
evening of listening and dancing to one of 
Albuquerque’s outstanding musical groups. 
Social hour prices will prevail from 8 p.m. 
until midnight. The event is free to mem¬ 
bers, 50 cents for guests. 

DUPLICATE bridge meets Mondays 
at 7 pun. Coronado Ladies bridge meets 
Thursday, Nov. 20, at 1 p.m. 

CORONADO SKI CLUB will meet Tues¬ 
day, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. to hear a talk on 
Sandia Peak facilities and a safety talk by 
members of the Sandia Peak Ski Patrol. 

GAME NIGHTS continue on Wednesdays 
at 7:30 with numerous prizes. 

on Tuesday evenings with special prices 
from 5 to 8 p.m. 

Coronado Club 


Leaves Club at 1 p.m. 
Tomorrow—Lobos vs. Arizona 
Nov. 15—Lobos vs. Wyoming 
Return to Club after 
Game for Social Hour 

Betty Jo Espinosa 
is the Lobo fan. 


Albuquerque Author Speaks 
At Sanado Meet Nov. 12 

Sanado Club will meet Wednesday, Nov. 
12, at 1:15 p.m. in the Coronado Club for 
a sherry luncheon. Guest speaker will be 
Lois Duncan Arquette (husband Don works 
in 2626) who will discuss "When the House¬ 
wife Writes a Book.” 

Mrs. Arquette sold her first story at age 
13 and has since published more than 200 
fiction pieces in national magazines plus 14 
novels ranging from murder mysteries to 
preschool picture books. 

Reservations for the luncheon should be 
mailed today to Mrs. Keith Smith, 1508 
Valencia NE. 


Safety Signals 

Nests are always the first to 
go. Please use fire carefully. 

P. J. Chen (1721), “Theory of Singular 
Surfaces as a Model for the Studies of 
Wave Propagation in Materials,” Rice Uni¬ 
versity Department of Mathematical Sci¬ 
ences, Oct. 16, Houston. 

J. H. Graham (7624), "Numerical Results 
on Approximating Known Surfaces with 
Coons Surface Patches,” 1969 Joint Confer¬ 
ence on Mathematical and Computer Aids 
to Design, Oct. 26-30, Anaheim, Calif. 

A. F. Witte (7324), “A Force-Acceleration 
Control Technique for Vibration Testing”; 
H. D. Arlowe (7345), “Noice Rejection in 
Strain-Gage Instrumentation”; J. V. Otts 

Events Calendar 

Nov. 7-9, 13-16—"The Subject Was Roses,” 
Old Town Studio, 1208 Rio Grande 

Nov. 8—Warren Miller movie “This Is 
Skiing,” sponsored by Sandia Peak Ski 
Patrol, Civic Auditorium. 

Nov. 8—Rock musical "Your Own Thing,” 
UNM Popejoy Hall. 

Nov. 11-12—“Yo Soy Pablo Neruda,” po¬ 
etry reading in Spanish at Old Town 

Nov. 12—St. James Day fiesta and har¬ 
vest dances, Tesuque and Jemez 

Nov. 13-14—Holiday Ideas Show, Civic 

Nov. 14-15—UNM Homecoming Events, 
campus decoration tour, parade, UNM 
vs. Wyoming in football. 

Nov. 15-16—Ski Patrol's Third Annual 
Ski Swap, 9 to 6, Flower Building, 
State Fair Grounds. 

Nov. 15—Rowan and Martin Laugh-in, 
UNM Basketball Arena. 

Nov. 16—UNM Chamber Orchestra pro¬ 
gram, UNM Recital Hall. 

Variable Annuity 
Unit Value 

Nov. 1, 1969 1.573 

Sept. 1969 .1.564 

Average 1968 Value 1.647 

and N. F. Hunter (both 7324), “Shock Re¬ 
production on Shakers.” 24th Annual In¬ 
strument Society of America convention, 
Oct. 27-30, Houston. 

J. B. Gerardo and M. A. Gusinow (both 
5243), “Electron-Ion Recombination in 
Helium at 77°K”; G. J. Lockwood (5235), 
“Total Cross Section for Single Electron 
Loss by Ne and Ar in Nitrogen Oxygen and 
Air”; J. E. Houston (5332), “Energy Dis¬ 
tribution of Mo Ions Returning to the 
Sputtering Cathode in an Argon Glow 
Discharge” American Physical Society’s 
22nd Gaseous Electronics Conference, Oct. 
29-31, Gatlinburg, Tenn. 

L. S. Nelson and S. R. Skaggs (both 
5224), “Heating and Vaporization of 
Basalts with a Carbon Dioxide Laser,” In¬ 
ternational Meeting of the Meteoritical 
S:ciety, Oct. 29-31, Houston. 

D. G. Schueler (2633), “Optical Deter¬ 
mination of the Space-Charge Region in 
Semiconductors by Ellipsometry,” 1969 In¬ 
ternational Electron Devices Meeting, Oct. 
29-31, Washington. 

D. C. Williams (5321), “DWBA Analysis 
of the 40,44 <Ca<t,p> Reaction at 7.5 MEV,” 
American Physical Society’s Division of 
Nuclear Physics, Oct. 30-Nov. 1, Boulder. 

A. C. Switendick (5151), “Calculation of 
Orbital Symmetry Contributions to Elec¬ 
tronic Density of States of AuAl.,”: J. E. 
Schirber <5150), W. J. O'Sullivan (Uni¬ 
versity of Colorado), and Switendick, “Fer¬ 
mi Surface Properties of the Noble Metals 
at Normal Volume and as a Function of 
Pressure,” Electronic Density of States 
Conference, Nov. 3-6, Gaithersburg, Md. 

P. D. Thacher (5153), “Ferroelectric 
Electrooptic Ceramics,” Users of Automatic 
Information Display Equipment Meeting, 
Nov. 3-6, San Diego. 

C. E. Land (5153), “Electrooptic Ceramics 
for Information Storage and Display,” 
IEEE Northeast Electronics Research and 
Engineering Meeting, Nov. 5-7, Boston. 

N. J. DeLollis <5333), “Aging of Adhesive 
Specimens and Mechanism of Bond Fail¬ 
ure,” AF Space and Missile Systems Organ¬ 
ization, Nov. 6-7, Los Angeles. 

M. A. McCutchan (3235), “Current and 
Future Development and Manpower Po¬ 
tentials for New Mexico,” New Mexico Con¬ 
ference of Social Welfare. Nov. 6, Albu¬ 

D. Thornbrough 
Accepts AEC Post 
In Las Vegas 

“Director of the 
Office of Peaceful 
Nuclear Explosives” 
for AEC's Nevada 
Operations Office is 
Dean Thornbrough’s 
new title. He has 
taken a leave of ab¬ 
sence from Sandia’s 
Systems Planning 
Staff 100 to accept 
the position. 

The Office of Peaceful Nuclear Explo¬ 
sives will serve as a focal point for all 
activities in the Plowshare Program, in¬ 
cluding coordination with industry and the 
execution of Plowshare projects at other 
than the Nevada Test Site. 

Dean joined Sandia’s Field Testing or¬ 
ganization in June 1952 after earning his 
degree in physics from Texas Technolog¬ 
ical College. He has participated in all of 
the full scale nuclear testing programs 
since that time, both in the Pacific and 
in Nevada. 

He was test director for Sandia's Cypress 
shot. In addition, he participated in such 
Plowshare projects as Gnome at Carlsbad, 
Project Salmon at Hattiesburg, Miss., Cow¬ 
boy in Louisiana and Project Chariot in 

Dean became supervisor of a full-scale 
testing instrumentation division in Febru¬ 
ary 1965 and, in nuclear testing activities, 
was usually a test program director with 
responsibilities in management, systems 
planning, engineering and instrumentation. 

He joined the Systems Planning Staff in 
May 1969. 

Currently commuting between Las Vegas 
and Albuquerque, Dean will establish a 
home in Nevada in January. His wife 
Peggy is teaching in the Albuquerque 
school system. Their son Mike attends the 
University of New Mexico, while daughter 
Cheri attends New Mexico State Univer¬ 